Electronic Communication Device While Driving

Electronic Communication Device While Driving: Using a cell phone while driving is a violation of the Illinois Statute 625 ILCS 5/12-610.2.   Can I use a cell phone when I am stopped in traffic? Yes.  The law states a cell phone can be used if the following conditions are met.  First, the vehicle is stopped…

Police Will Lie to You on a DUI Stop / Investigation

During a traffic stop a police officer may tell you that he has to have you perform the Field Sobriety Tests, (walk and turn, one leg stand, etc) because it is his department’s police and that it is routine and you can be on your way in a few minutes. During the tests, the officer…

DUI Motions have two Purposes

DUI Motions: When I represent a client on a DUI charge I usually file certain motions to challenge the police officer’s reason for stopping the client. As well as motion to challenge the police officer’s belief that the client was intoxicated. These motions are called a Motion to Quash the Arrest and Supress the Evidence.…